A novel by Audrey Niffenegger

As quoted from The Times, "Crazy, sexy, incredible", a novel by Audrey Niffenegger was as if an oasis in the middle of the desert metropolis novels. It was not meant to criticize, in fact I am also `addicted` for chick literature which is better known as chicklit. Some are good and have a fairly compelling plot. But, sometimes bored too. Yeah, most read story around a single metropolitan area, where the theme revolves around the late women old 30's, single, stylish, had a career, and others, who always expect a handsome prince exist as a successful young executive. While on the other hand, the man afraid of commitment ... well, like it is ... .. oh, oh, I'm rich shifted too far .... Now, back to the actual discussion, this novel offers a different style to a romantic literature. Science fiction fantasy madness wrapped with a beautiful love story and thrilling. Very fitting to describe the love that truly timeless and not limited by time. We will be lulled by the enormity of what would happen if humans were allowed to participate in the "game" of time, rather than just obey the law as it is through nature.

Narrated Henry DeTamble, the main character in this story, has a "ability" time travel. He may suddenly disappear or appear in a strange place in the past or the future. Do not imagine this as a time machine or like a witch who has full power of his talent. The problem is, Henry can not control when or where he would disappear, it just happens. Worse yet, when switching time, Henry can not bring anything that is not part of his own. So he was always naked when thrown into a period. No wonder Henry is not so rejoiced over "talent" is. He was often beaten up, crazy people think, and other indecent prejudice because it appears in the circumstances. Henry inevitably be trained to steal to get clothing, food, and money in order to survive as he explored the time.

Well, at this time to explore, Henry met with Clare Abshire, a little girl who lives in Michigan. At the time of Henry's 36-year-old, was thrown from the present into the past, in 1977, when Clare was 6 years old. Since it was established a smooth relationship between Clare and Henry. However, the peculiarity that can not be ignored. Clare knows Henry practically all her life (starting from the age of 6 year). She was always waiting for the next moment to meet Henry's back in the pasture her house backyard. While Henry, a time to meet Clare at the time he still did not know her, considering that the time travel back and forth between the present and past. Hmm, hard to understand it, but here is where its uniqueness.

When Clare adults, they were married. And `diseases` of Henry does not go away. What is interesting here is told that Henry sought medical treatment for the singularity at him. Later known that Henry suffered from a genetic disorder that causes the existence in the time dimension becomes abnormal. Well, I forgot the name ... Until his illness, until the story scientists successfully tested on mice ...

Romantic love is not smooth them without hindrance. Clare as a wife is craving a baby from her womb. But it is almost impossible, because of genetic abnormalities in Henry's bad for the fetus, conceived Clare until she was several times a miscarriage. But Clare is still insisting to continue trying to conceive. Henry was no less hurt to see the suffering of his wife. When he finally managed to have children, they still have to accept the bitter truth. Because of course, their daughter Henry inherited genetic abnormality.

The author combines the skills plot back and forth until a series of compelling, worthy of thumbs up. We'll worry about the fate gripped Henry and Clare when the fragments of a story with a different time, a mysterious signal that something would happen. Rhythm like this of course raises the curiosity that he could not release it until the end of the novel.

This story does not end with "happily ever after" fairy tale style. Not 'time' it is to be everything, but how we spend every second of it. No matter the past, present, or future. Especially to the people we love ... if one day they were gone from our lives, memories of the time we spent with them will always be there.


This article was translated from my writings here
Life in the line is boring
Childhood I prefer the red dots
and blue sparks above the plain nightdress herbalist
Plaid sarong are the remaining options
When aesthetics is just rubbish
Black paint shed
Does that still precious?
Pallas Athena temple ruins
faint hollow bells
faint voice
Moa did I miss?
I empty

What I want is silence
the clarity of ripple springs
sniffed the scent of pine
with a gentle twinkle in the eyes of god
Can dry lake turbid ?
eliminate dregs sediments
like a bathtub drain?

I want to sit alone
listen whisper earthworm
because they do not have ears
Are friends can be taken anywhere?
There are times when they`re just pollution
and I need another story
I want to go


Taken from: my another blog
The name artists, there are only things that can be extraordinary born of their right brain. This time about the art of painting. Maybe we've always seen people paint on paper, canvas, walls, eggs, and even more commercial now with sweeping the bag, scarf clothes, and shoes. Graffiti starts from the simplest pencil until streaked with oil paint and the like that.

But painting with sand? I've never had someone clay at it. What I mean of course not so long streaks in the sand beach that anyone can do it. But scratch the hand in the sand as the artistic imagination of a dazzling cast. That is what Ksenia Simonova, the beauty from Ukraine who had painted her sensational with unique talents in Ukraine's Got Talent.

Girl 24-year-old makes the audience present at the event was so touched that some of them even shed tears.She makes paintings that talk about how World War 2 had to rip a peaceful life and leave the shadow of death full of suffering for human beings. Miss Simonova hands moving so swiftly sow and scratching sand on a light table, stringing one scene to another scene.

Let not just imagine, please watch the video event watched by two million people. This is it:

Starting from the first time this video clay even today I'm still in awe - so miss painting again ... But unfortunately, this sand painting every scene straight out one deleted, so the guns could be saved. But still cool ... ... ..

And here's an outline of the story of each scene. Check it out:

1. She started by describing the story of two lovers holding hands sitting happily under the starry sky. But suddenly the heavens parted with warplanes attack and destroyed the happy scene.

2. Next picture shows the face of a woman who was crying. Then came a figure baby, and the woman's face smiling back - with a candle that lit the hopes of new, pre-war re-memporak devastating everything. Simonova throw sand in places like chaos that had been her face. After the wreck, came the human faces full of suffering, death faces.

3. Having shown that returning a hopeful face of a young woman with a letter. But she has quickly become an old widow, with a face full of wrinkles sad and grief.

4. Figure showing the monuments and then change the unknown warrior, with only a handful of people who care.

5. The last scene, the mother figure appears slowly, and little boys who stared at the window. Outside the window, a man stood up, put his hand on the glass window, saying goodbye.

For your information, the war in the Ukraine known as the Great Patriotic War, has killed 11 million people of which 42 million people there at that time.


Baksa Kembang Dance is one of traditional dance from Kalimantan Selatan. It describes some pretty girls having fun in the flower garden. They pick up flowers, make bunch, then dance with it happily.

The history tells the dance was beginned in Kingdom of Banjar, restricted for aristocrate (princesses of kingdom attracted it). Afterwards, it extended so folks able to learn it too. Danced by group of girls called "galuh banjar" for entertaining empire family.

Nowadays, Baksa Kembang Dance showed in a welcome ceremony for honour guests and celebration days as well. Usually played a group with uneven amount e.g. one, three, or five girls. The beautiful dance use hand properties called "kembang bogam" which is couple bunch of rose, jasmine, kenanga, and kantil. You should be mesmerized by its softness.senyumkenyitsenyumkenyitsenyumkenyitsenyumkenyit

For your information, when still young, my mother was great in dancing it and other Banjarese dance. With, my dad played music behind.... Hmmm, how romantic... malu
Now, she give dance training as extracurricular lesson for girls of junior high school.

Ok,that`s all my review about Baksa Kembang Dance. Hope you`ll get chance visit my lovely city to see this beautiful dance and other amazing traditional art. Just enjoy it!

By: Guy Sebastian

From the very second baby I already knew
I'll end up head over heels in love with you
Turns out I'm right

I couldn't tell if you were feeling what i felt for you
So i nonchalantly tried to play it cool
I'm tired of lying

But i get lost when I look in your Eyes
Cos my love is so hard to disguise

Baby I can't help this feeling
It's a fight that I know I can't win
There's nothing i can do
So I'm giving up tonight
Cos baby you're my kryptonite

Cos i can't stop thinking of you
I'll be trying not to love you
I'm helpless, girl it's true
So I'm giving up tonight
Cos baby you're my kryptonite

You're love is like a pendulum that's swinging side to side
Got me in a spell and now I can't deny
Girl I'm hypnotised
Cos baby it's the same tomorrow, yesterday, tonight
And i swear that nothing's ever felt so right
I'm yours for life

I get lost when I look in your eyes
Cos my love is so hard to disguise


I've tried so hard to let you go
But I can't escape the way I feel inside
Way beyond denial that we are meant to be in love
So girl I give up, yeah




Beautiful song that remind me to my dear Aunt Diah.....

She told how sad she felt whenever she listen the song. At that moment, i had the same point of view with her.... I remember thought: "well, it`s titled Kryptonite - the stone make superman powerless - then Guy`s voice sounded so sorrowful"

Then i listened it carefully... Guess what? It`s an in love song!!!! sengihnampakgigisengihnampakgigisengihnampakgigisengihnampakgigi

Hmm, Auntie, we have lot stories together..... I miss you... Just hope you`ll find your Kryptonite
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I cast away
drift in the wave
float over the foam
and dog tired

I cast away
drink a half of the ocean
my stomach puffed up
It`s give hard measure

I cast away
I just follow the sea
to find paradise island
But there`s thousand ways
and million vehicle
Hold one`s piece

I cast away
Wide sky above
I try follow the bird
they only catch the fish

I cast away
deep world beneath
I try follow the turtle
they only lay eggs

I cast away
Isn`t anyone trying to find me?
It`s a damn cold night
cracking my bones into pieces
I hold by the emptiness

In fear of the darkness
In low spirits
In great passion
In tears
In two minds
In the end…


I wrote this poem when I was still in high school. Ha, what a precious memory it was.

I remember about feeling in confusing and empty, so I poured it into paper…voila! That`s how this poem created. It was a periode i`ve been so crazy in writing. Seemed so cheerful with Evony and Queen Devil. We were deeply sinking down into Peter Pan`s world, weren`t we?

"Consciousness expresses itself trough creation. This world we live in this dance of the creator. Dancers come and go in the twinkling of an eye but the dance lives on. On many an occasion when i`m dancing, I have felt touched by something sacred. In those moment, I felt my spirit soar and become one with everything that exist.

I become the stars and the moon. I become the lover and the beloved. I become the victor and the vanquished. I become the master and the slave. I become the singer and the song. I become the knower and the known. I keep on dancing then it is the eternal dance of creation. The creator and creation merge into one wholeness of joy. I keep on dancing… and dancing, until there`s only the dance".

It is taken from Michael Jackson`s album which belongs to Evony. When casset was still being king of music. The cover showed his eagle eyes, stab to the heart. It was his voice within. Something attracted me so much was that it`s describing how someone found his truly place in this world. He definetely in love about what he did. He merge into it. It seems so beautiful at all… I think he was one of the most gorgeous artist the world ever had… Don`t you remember that legendary peaceful song “Heal The World”… But I feel so sorry about the cases dropped into him… What an awful ending… Ouch, I don’t feel happy for it… I do…
Please let me bring to you my official blog

in international language sengihnampakgigi

It is made in order to improve my English ability (so forgive me for any mistakes)

:music::music: and absolutely lead my creativity as well. Just enjoy it.....:music::music:

What will i tell you about? fikir

As the header and description wrote above....

Lets enjoy ART with me!!!!


No matter if you`re black or white


P.S. Very special thanx to My Sei for all your support...... love